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¿Cuántos Colores?

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¿Cuántos Colores?

Beyond the beautiful colours of Cuba’s people lies the changing symbolism of her socialist red, the influence of the Greenback, as well as the political and material colours that tint the world’s most famous cigars.  Forty years after Ché and Fidel’s Cuban Revolution, capitalism, communism, and Havana Cigars remain intertwined.

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The Party


The Party

Our experience of the world is becoming ever more mediated by the artificial, the virtual, the plastic...  Where else but in Tupperware does the semiotic meet the domestic in a consumer icon with as many different meanings as people who appropriate it?





Throughout the course of a day, distinct populations colonise the Station space: the commuters, the travellers; the buskers, the beggars; the homeless, the station workers; those simply seeking the atmosphere of a place in perpetual transit, ...and us, just ‘observing’ and overhearing - closeup and at a distance - trying to make sense of this daily ebb at the City’s heart.
