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raise | retreat | rise  (Polyptych Nº1)


raise | retreat | rise (Polyptych Nº1)

An 8hr05min video triptych which deals with the sensory imperceptibility of climate change in our day-to-day existence — postulating it as one explanation for our collective inaction in the face of an existential threat.


Al Quds Underground (I Live in the Centre of the World)


Al Quds Underground (I Live in the Centre of the World)

In this online documentary, you can navigate your way through the web of streets that form the Old City of Jerusalem (Al Quds).  The interface give you an impression of moving through it.  Sometimes, you will find doorways that you can enter, doorways that take you into the hidden layers of Jerusalem.



The Party


The Party

Our experience of the world is becoming ever more mediated by the artificial, the virtual, the plastic...  Where else but in Tupperware does the semiotic meet the domestic in a consumer icon with as many different meanings as people who appropriate it?
